Harga dan Spesifik Honda CB150R StreetFire

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which occurs in thin membranes (called the mesothelium) lining the chest, lungs, abdomen and sometimes the heart. Although quite rare, mesothelioma symptoms strike more than 200 people each year in the United States. The majority of mesothelioma cases are directly linked to asbestos exposure. Because of the long latency period of mesothelioma, the average age of patients is between 50 and 70 years. Mesothelioma affects men most due to the high exposure of asbestos in industrial typed jobs. Mesothelioma symptoms include respiratory problems, shortness of breath, continual cough and pneumonia. Other mesothelioma symptoms include weight loss, abdominal problems and swelling. In some mesothelioma patients, the mesothelioma symptoms are quite muted, making it hard for mesothelioma doctors to diagnose. Mesothelioma doctors specialize in the study, research, and treatments of Mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma (or the cancer of the mesothelium) is a disease in which cells become abnormal and replicate without control. During Mesothelioma, these cells will invade and damage tissues and organs. Mesothelioma cancer cells can spread throughout the body causing death. Mesothelioma treatments and Mesothelioma clinical trials and tests There are many mesothelioma treatment options available. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy and the mesothelioma treatment depends on the patient’s age, general health and stage of the cancer. There has been much mesothelioma research conducted throughout the past two years to find new treatment methods. Click here to read more about mesothelioma treatment techniques. Through mesothelioma research, The National Cancer Institute has sponsored mesothelioma tests and clinical trials that are designed to find new treatment methods. Because of the increase in number of mesothelioma cases in the United States, both governments have increased funding for mesothelioma research. Mesothelioma research and clinical trials have been successful in developing new techniques to fight this cancer and the outlook for more advanced mesothelioma treatments is promising. Surgery is the most common treatment method for malignant mesothelioma. Tissues and linings affected by mesothelioma are removed by the doctor and may include the lung or even diaphragm. A second mesothelioma treatment method is radiation therapy through the use of high energy x-rays that kill the cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be outside or inside the body. A third mesothelioma treatment method is chemotherapy. Through pills or drugs through needles, chemotherapy drugs are used to kill cancer cells. A new mesothelioma treatment method is called intraoperative photodynamic therapy. In this treatment, light and drugs are used to kill cancer cells during surgery for early stages of mesothelioma in the chest. Although there are numerous treatments and drugs for mesothelioma, doctors are losing the battle against this deadly disease. Most mesothelioma treatments involve old techniques combined with different drug cocktails. However, in most cases, these mesothelioma treatments have many side effects including organ damage, nausea, increase in heart failure etc. The rush to find a more effective mesothelioma treatment or even cure is ongoing at numerous clinical labs across the nation. Let's hope that the mesothelioma treatments will one day erradicate mesothelioma cancer and asbestosis. With an abundance of information on the Internet, Mesothelioma Cancer and Asbestos ([http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-and-asbestos.com]) has consolidated the most important issues surrounding Mesothelioma, Mesothelioma doctors and symptoms, Mesothelioma treatment, Mesothelioma research and tests. At [http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-and-asbestos.com], the website contains useful resources on Mesothelioma lawyers and attorneys, as well as causes by asbestos exposure, asbestos removal, asbestos attorneys and lawsuits, and asbestos cancer. Patients stricken by Mesothelioma and their families require support and current information. Mesothelioma Online Resources hopes to educate and give hope to survivors and victims. Mesothelioma is such a harsh disease. Not only does it take years for symptoms to appear, but there are limited treatements and drugs that will prolong the lives of workers stricken with mesothelioma. In many cases, the death rate of mesothelioma is unfortunately very high. However, with increased funding in mesothelioma research through the government and private grants, the outlook for a mesothelioma cure is quite possible. In the meantime, mesothelioma support groups and local discussions provide the ongoing support for mesothelioma patients. Mesothelioma Cancer and Asbestos ([http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-and-asbestos.com])is your source for mesothelioma and asbestos information, treatments, clinical trials, attorneys, support groups and lawyers. About the website: Michael Kenneth is a successful Internet Publisher and has researched and written on many topics for [http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-and-asbestos.com] - your complete source for mesothelioma information, mesothelioma attorneys and lawyers, mesothelioma treatments and research, asbestos exposure and removal, asbestos attorneys and legislation as well as asbestos cancer.
hza17 - Honda CB150R StreetFire ditunjukkan pertama kali pada ajang Jakarta Motorcycle Show (JMCS) 2012 tanggal 31 Oktober 2012. Motor ini  menggunakan mesin berbasis CBR150 dengan 150CC, 6 speed, 4 stroke, DOHC, liquid cooled dan dilengkapi dengan teknologi PGM-FI. Berbagai teknologi ini membuat Honda CB150R menjadi mesin paling superior di kelasnya.

Harga dan Spesifik Honda CB150R

CB150R dikembangkan dengan konsep motor naked terdepan di kelasnya. Kami mengembangkan motor ini dengan karakter di semua medan dari low speed sampai high speed – Kenji Kawai, R&d Project Leader CB150R StreetFire dari Honda R&D Co., Ltd Motorcycle R&D Center

Dengan teknologi yang amat superior ini, Honda CB150R StreetFire dapat mencapai kecepatan maksimum 125 km/jam serta akselerasi 10,5 detik untuk menempuh jarak 0-200 meter.Untuk memenuhi keinginan pengguna motor sport yang senang memodifikasi kendaraannya, Honda CB150R StreetFire ini menggunakan new innovative Truss Frame dan sudah didesain untuk mudah dimodifikasi. Rangka Honda CB150R ini juga didesain untuk mengurangi getaran mesin secara optimal, sehingga menghasilkan kestabilan, kelincahan dan kenyamanan selama berkendara.

Harga dan Spesifik Honda CB150R

Harga dan Spesifik Honda CB150R

Harga dan Spesifik Honda CB150R

Fitur Honda CB150R StreetFire Terbaru:
  • Desain agresif.
  • Penggunaan lampu LED pada seluruh sistem pencahayaan memberikan tampilan lebih futuristik, intensitas cahaya lebih terang, daya tahan lebih lama dan lebih hemat energi.
  • Panel indikator digital yang futuristik dan fungsional menampilkan informasi lengkap seperti kecepatan, putaran mesin, jam digital dan trip meter.
  • Akselerasi lebih agresif mencapai 10,5 detik (0-200m).
  • Mampu dipacu hingga 125 km/jam dengan tetap menghasilkan tingkat konsumsi bahan bakar yang efisien.
  • Mesin generasi terbaru 150cc,
    DOHC 4 katup, 6 kecepatan, berpendingin cairan (liquid-cooled) dengan
    teknologi injeksi PGM-FI.
  • Rangka Trelis yang memberi keseimbangan tinggi antara kekuatan dan kelenturan.
  • Kapasitas tanki bensin 12 liter.
  • Penggunaan ban yang lebih besar untuk memberikan rasa aman pada saat menikung maupun pada kecepatan tinggi.
  • Rem cakram depan dan belakang.
  • Ban tubeless.
  • Suspensi belakang dengan sistem Pro-Link (fitur ini digunakan juga oleh motor Honda CBR 250R dimana dengan fitur ini tempat duduk terasa lebih lembut, stabil dan nyaman karena suspensi mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai kondisi jalan).
  • Teknologi Secure Key Shutter.
  • Bank Angle Sensor – sensor rebah yang melindungi pengendara pada saat terjatuh (mesin akan mati secara otomatis ketika sepeda motor berada pada sudut kemiringan 60° atau lebih.

Honda CB150R StreetFire terbaru ini memiliki konsumsi BBM 37.87 km/l (EURO 3) dan 40.58 km/l (EURO 2). Hasil pengetesan berbeda mengikuti regulasi EURO 2 dan EURO 3.
Desain, fitur dan teknologi Honda CB150R Streetfire menjadikannya sebagai motor sport dengan value dan fitur paling valuable di Indonesia.

Pilihan Warna Honda CB150R StreetFire

Honda CB150R StreetFire hadir dalam 3 pilihan warna:

  • Quantum Red
  • Macho Black
  • Rapid White

Spesifikasi dan Harga Cash Honda CB150R StreetFire
Update terakhir: 14 October 2015

-Mesin Honda CB150R StreetFire
*Dimensi (P x L x T) : 2.019 x 719 x 1.039 mm
*Jarak sumbu Roda 1.293 mm
*Jarak terendah ke tanah :169 mm
*Ketinggian tempat duduk 797 mm
*Berat kosong :136 kg
*Rangka Diamond (Truss) Frame
*Suspensi depan :Teleskopik
*Suspensi belakang Lengan ayun dengan suspensi tunggal (Sistem Suspensi Prolink)
*Ukuran Ban depan :100/80 – 17 52P (Tubeless)
*Ukuran Ban Belakang 130/70 – 17 62P (Tubeless)
*Rem depan :Cakram Hidrolik
*Rem belakang Cakram Hidrolik
*Tipe mesin 4 Langkah, DOHC, 4 Katup
*Tipe transmisi :Manual, 6 Kecepatan
*Pola pengoperan gigi 1-N-2-3-4-5-6
*Sistem pendingin mesin :Liquid Cooled with Auto fan
*Diameter x langkah 57.3x 57.8 mm
*Kapasitas Mesin :149.26 cc
*Perbandingan kompresi 11.3 : 1
*Daya maksimum :12,4 kW (16.9 PS) / 9.000 rpm
*Torsi maksimum 13.8 Nm (1.41 kgf.m) / 7.000 rpm
*Kopling :Multiple Wet Clutch Coil Spring
*Sistem pelumasan Wet
*Starter :Pedal & Elektrik
-Kapasitas Tangki
*Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar 12 liter
*Sistem suplai bahan bakar :Injeks*i (PGM-FI)
*Kapasitas Minyak Pelumas Mesin 1.1
*Tipe Baterai MF Wet 12V 5Ah
*Sistem pengapian :Full transisterized
*Tipe Busi NGK MR9C-9N atau ND U27EPR-N9

Tipe OTR Diskon Harga NETT
Honda New CB150R StreetFire 25,400,000| 100,000| 25,300,000

Sumber data: http://www.hondacengkareng.com/motor/
Sumber gambar :http://www.astra-honda.com/produk/
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